As of Bootstrap v4.0, support for Glyphicons has been dropped, so JekyllFaces adds support for the following font icon providers:

There are more webfonts out there, but these are the ones that are supported by the awesome tool.

GlyphSearch Tool

You can enable as many (or as few) font icons as you like in JekyllFaces. For example, here’s the default fonticons section of _jekyllfaces/

  fontawesome: cdn   # one of: false | local | cdn
  foundation:  false # one of: false | local | cdn
  glyphicons:  false # one of: false | local
  icomoon:     false # one of: false | local | cdn
  ionicons:    false # one of: false | local | cdn
  material:    false # one of: false | local | cdn
  octicons:    false # one of: false | local | cdn

As you can see, only FontAwesome is enabled, and it’s being served from a CDN server.

If you choose to serve a given font icon from your own site (using the local setting), the supporting files are already there. Just update the file. There’s nothing else to do.

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